“for i am forever changing”
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011 || 7:08 PM
Are you ever truly happy?
I'm not sad, but I'm not really happy.
Of course there are times where I'm sad, and times that I'm really happy.
But I'm never really consistently happy or satisfied with my life right now. I don't have that overall happiness with life that I used to have when I was younger.
I hope that someday I will find my happiness again.
Let's find happiness together, ok? :)
Useless Letters
Sunday, May 22, 2011 || 9:46 PM
There are letters in our alphabet that are pretty useless.
Like X. Why do we even have X? ... we could totally use "ks" or "eks"
That leads me to C. C is basically a combination of K and S.
And what about Q? "kw" could totally replace that.
Also, I was thinking about "half-empty" vs "half-full". Now most people, when asked, say "Well I say half full because I have a positive outlook in life (aka. I don't want to be called emo)"
But honestly... it really depends on the context in which it's being used, isn't it?
Like if I said, "Elizabeth, how much gas is in the car? We still have 100km to drive." If there is only half left, one would answer, "Oh, no! It's already half-empty!"
But if I said, "Elizabeth, how much gas is in the car? We need to go to the supermarket around the corner," then one would obviously say, "We have more than enough, the thing's still half-full."
Stupid people who made up these stupid "analyses" to "analyse" people's "outlook on life". Stupid people who believe this.
Stupid people who want to be all tragic and answer "half-empty" and stupid people who want to appear so confident and answer "half-full".
They're all just attention seeking stupid idiots.
My Favourite Things
Monday, May 2, 2011 || 7:58 PM
Chocolate chip cookies and warm fresh baked brownies
Big fluffy pillows and uniformed mounties
Elegant princesses married to kings
These are a few of my favourite things
New sheets of paper and ruby red slippers
Sunlight and starlight and smooth moving zippers
Songs that are sung about five golden rings
These are a few of my favourite things
When the test comes
When the sky rains
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favourite things
And then I don't feel so bad
CLICK !! I wasn't been artsy, you'll see ;)